Iranian programming language

3 min readNov 20, 2020


So far, about 250 types of programming languages ​​have been developed. What all these languages ​​have in common is that all of these languages ​​have used English and its symbols, and as the Internet and new technologies have advanced, all human technologies have become intelligent. And humans have to use these languages ​​to make them, which can pose serious risks to countries and their users. In this regard, many countries, in recent years, have sought to be able to create a native programming language that, in addition to being easy to use for users in that country, also solve its security problems, which only two countries, China and India and a few limited western countries have succeeded in building a native programming language.

Iran has joined the ranks of native programming language holders

According to available statistics, about 27% of knowledge-based companies operating in Iran are active in the field of information technology, and the value of the financial chain in this field has exceeded 600,000 billion rials per year. The growth of this large market has increased the need for basic services. Reckless use of products and services of other countries and failure to protect the huge data of Iranian users, can have dangerous consequences.

In recent years, unfortunately, the teaching of the programming language in Iran has generally been taught on the basis of unauthorized copied sources. But fortunately, after 10 years of research, Iranian researchers for the first time in Iran, succeeded in building a completely indigenous programming language. In this regard, Hamidreza Etedalmehr, CEO and head of this research team said: “After identifying the different and dangerous consequences of using the unofficial version of web development software, we decided to develop a native model.” Due to the technical complexity and lack of expertise at the level of this project, this project lasted about 10 years and fortunately we finally managed to develop the Iranian programming language for the first time in the country. In the last 5 years, this program has been reviewed and debugged, and now the new version of this program serves more than 1100 websites.

Features of Iranian programming language

Regarding the unique features of this programming language, Etedal Mehr said: “Currently, in all higher education centers and the Ministry of Education of Iran, the languages ​​of generally American companies such as PHP and ASP.NET are taught.” The thing about the Iranian programming language is that it takes about one-tenth of the time it takes to learn other programming languages. This program can be used to design any web software, application and web portal. This product is by no means the result of reverse engineering and its design is completely Iranian.
The success of websites designed with this language in various tests in search engines (SEO) indicates the high standards of this product. Learning this language is completely free and teaching at the elementary level only requires knowledge of html and css for those who are interested. The price of this product, with much more complete features, is similar to (open source) or (informal) products.

Iran’s entry into the club of native programming language holders, in addition to being able to ensure the security of Iran in this field and cut the dependence of native technologies on foreign programming languages, can be a key step in the field of extensive progress in The field of new technologies in Iran. Because our country’s educational system, like other developed countries in the world, can transfer programming language education from universities to schools, and students can become familiar with programming from childhood and adolescence, and the ground can be prepared for the use of new technologies in the country.




An Aryan girl interested in history, art, science, technology and …..… , I love writing ;)